Office Coverage

What we do. provides an easy way to connect offices with temporary workers. You might be a business and have employee who will be out due to a vacation or illness, or need to plan for a seasonal surge. Or you might be a skilled professional who would like to work part time. We want to make it easier to find the right person for the job as quickly as possible.

Our Vision

"Simple And Respectful"

Too many websites are clunky, bloated with tracking scripts, require registration and, frankly, just offer too many features. We created something that provides a simple service; it almost reckons back to the old days of the internet (minus the flashy backgrounds). We value your privacy and will never save any data without your consent, and we aim to be as transparent as possible with exactly what is being saved. Since we don't need all that data from you, we can design a fast site with no background scripts, no tracking cookies, no mouse trackers, no popups. If we do run ads we will run only enough to keep the lights on, and will be non tracking. This website was created by a single developer and would appreciate feedback to improve the site.